So, I did end up getting a job through Kelly Services. It is at blue cross blue shield being a CA or customer advocate ( a nice way of saying customer service). Now this is not a position i wanted. I told Kelly i was looking for a claims position. So they call me up and say, "Hey we are getting a class together for BCBS.... ( i hear this and im sooo excited)... and its for a Customer Advocates position..... (oh crap.... i didnt want that... damn it!). At first i turned it down and told them I wanted to wait for a claims position, which they were completely ok with. I thought about it for about 15 minutes and then realized that at that time and place I was in no position to be picky, so I called back and accepted. I went to a 2 hour orientation at Kelly Services where i had to fill out a lot of paper work and watch a 30 minute videw that was made in god who knows when. It reminded me of those films i used to have watch in my Psychology classes in college that were ancient and you seriously had to think about how you were going to get through it without just completely loosing it and burst out laughing or pull off sleeping through it while still looking like you are paying attention. I let out a little giggle during the video and the other people in the room looked at me like I had lost it lol! So, total, there were 14 people in the class, and we were being trained to help with Summer Enrollment at BCBS. I started April 14thand i was really nervous. I got to the room and ended up sitting at a computer that had one of those ergonomic key boards. It completely through me off, i need my fingers together lmao! We played one of those "Get to know you" games where we had to turn to the person beside us and interview them so we could get to know them and then present them to the rest of the class. Believe it or not it ended up being a great thing. My partner was Elizabeth and we are really good friends now. Anyway, about 3 days after that Elizabeth and I decided to switch computers, because we couldnt stand the keyboards, and we went and moved to the only other 2 seats open with regular key baords, where we met Amanda! So now all 3 of us are are really cool with each other. Its actually perfect, we work at the same pace and are similar in a lot of areas, but different in others to where we are laughing alot during class, which makes the day bareable!! During the month ive been there I have been solely working on the process of claims. They are giving 5 weeks of claims training and 4 weeks of CA training. They said that the extensive claims training is so we can know the whole process from beginning to end so when we take calls we can know what they are talking about. WRONG! Seriously, learning how to process a claim does not help when you take a phone call. We even just found out that out of the maybe 8 different windows on the screen that are used to processed a claim you may use 1 or 2 of those when you take calls. SERIOUSLY! Now dont get me wrong, I love processing claims! Its the puzzle that intrigues me, having an error and having to find a resolution, it keeps me on my toes and its hard to get bored. Now I can get frustrated, and fast, but not bored. Just this past week we started doing Lived Claims Processing, where we are actually releasing claims to be paid if need be. We go through all this training, but it doesnt prepare you for the real thing, in my opinion. Last monday, we spent the entire day...... doing NOTHING! I literally sat there for 9 hours and did nothing. I didnt bring a book or my ipod. The program we were supposed to use to start processing claims was not set up for us. I mean damn they could have sent us home and saved them some money! And all of us would have gladly taken the pay cut. But the rest of the week picked up. Many times, i got in way over my head because I was recieving prompt and errors i had never seen, and then i would research it and they fixes would have like 20 steps. Its tedious! But like i said, once i figured it out and got to actually release my first claim to pay, it was cool! We are finally allowed to listen to our ipods while we process so thats been sooo helpful! I can be really stressed out and ready to walk out, but then a "happy" song will come on and Ill get a new wind! Ahh the wonders of good music!! Obviously, I got Memorial Day off, but the rest of this week will be processing claims, and then the first of June we move to CA! So im trying to appreciate the claims while i can! Im dreading the phones........ DREADING!! lol
On to a related topic, kind of short and random! Music, man, is sooo great lol! For a long time i was on a continous loop of the Twilight Soundtrack. Then I was flipping through the tv channels one day and happened upon VH1's Greatest Songs of the 90's and was awakened! Of course I knew almost all of them and I craved more. Such good memories! So I took my ipod and itunes player off of the looping and have been rocking out ever since!! Mind you the Twilight Soundtrack is still what i listen to to destress and wind down. Its comfort lmao!!
Speaking of Twilight, im super excited for the new movie to come out! They released the 1st official movie poster last week! And of course I love it. Elizabeth had found one that she thought was offical, and it wasnt, but it should have been lol! It was perfect!!
(This is the official one!) (Fan made, but should have been the official one........ SERIOUSLY!!)
Of course, Ive read all four of the books about 10 times all the way through! Good reads, right!! I had let my friend, Tara, borrow the 4th one so she could read it and that left me needing to find something else to read (I prefer to re-read in order lol). So I decided to re-read the last 2 Harry Potter books! And i had forgotten just how good those were as well. I am becoming more and more excited for the next movie to come out for that as well!! If you havnt seen the trailers for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, here are 2 quick reference for you!
(This one has parts that make me laugh, especially with Ron!)
(This one is a little longer..... gives me chills!!! CANT WAIT)
Continuing on with the books, after I finished reading the Harry Potter's again I went to Angels & Demons, which i am still working on. I havnt had much time or been in the mood to read a whole lot lately. But I have plans to start back up reading before I go to bed because I noticed it relaxed me and I need more relaxation lol! I went and got 2 other little books from J.K. Rowling: Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantasic Beasts & Where to Find them! They are short little 50 page books that are supposed to be like text books that Harry had. I was looking for some more books to read and came across those and thought they would be cute and lighten a bad mood I might be in!! I am also in the works to get The Host by Stephenie Myers (author of Twilight for those of you who didnt know!) and im looking into getthing The House of Night series by B.C. cast and Kristen Cast. My friend Elizabeth was reading them and said they were good so I am going to give them a shot! And soon I will preorder The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown! I do so love the topics of his books!!
On to movies. Ive been really catching up on Netflix lately, since TV is pretty much done for me for the summer. This section might be a little dull for some because im going to go through what ive seen that has caught my attention and what I thought!! The Duchess-- loved it, wish it had a different ending, but love Kiera Knightly! The Departed-- that was one of those movies that I didnt think it was necessary to have the f-word in every sentence, so it wasnt as good as I hoped. Ghost Town-- this has the guy from the british version of The Office-- I LOVED IT! I thought it was hilarious, very pleasantly suprised! Mirrors--OMG SOOO GOOD-- suprised ending you never see coming-- loved it !! Don't Mess with Zohan-- not impressed at all, I never laughed. The Cake Eaters-- this had Kristen Stewart in it, it is sort of an independent film but she did a really great job in it, i was impressed. The Secret Life of Bees-- ok wow this was an unbelievable movie-- the whole cast was phenomenal and Dakota Fanning was awesome. I cant wait to see her in New Moon and i want to see Push more then ever now! Bride Wars-- expected it to funnier so it was alright, not awful but not specatcular! Valkyrie-- ok so Im not a huge Tom Cruise fan, but this movie was actually pretty good. My single thought after I sae the movie was just how much of a coward Hitler was, i guess it had never really hit me just how much so until after that movie. How so many people could follow a man like that and what would they think if they knew just how much of a coward he was elludes me-- crazy! Bangkok Dangerous-- Huge Nicholas Cage fan so loved the movie-- it was a little different but still good. Didnt see the ending coming!! Made of Honor-- cute little movie. It was cool to see Owen from Grey's Anatomy in there as well, although i think i prefer him with facial hair lol! Vantage Point-- kept me on my toes thats for sure, i had to really pay attention so i could keep up but it was good! Next (movie title)-- Another Nicholas Cage movie so of course I liked it! YAY Nicholas Cage!
I found this site called Swap a DVD. What you do is you post dvds that you want to get rid of. Then other people can go and find movies they want and if you have one they are interested in they can request it from you. Each movie that you send off you recieve a credit and you use credits to get dvd's you may want! So I was trying to figure out what to do with all my Southpark Seasons because i really dont watch them anymore and have no desire to much. So i went and posted them on Swap a DVD. Each season gave me 3 credits because it had 3 discs. I have sent all of them out now, all 10 seasons, and I am not awaiting for get NCIS seasons 1-5. Im 8th on the list to get it-- soooo close-- and i cant freakin wait! Then I will be caught up on those seasons and ready to order season 6 when it becomes available, which by the way you can watch all the episodes of the latest season on netflix! I owe my sister a big THANK YOU for introducing me to netflix-- what a life saver its been!!
On to the cats!! They had their first vet visit, since we got them, on Thursday. We went to a new vet who is actually just right down the street. It was, by far, the best vet experience I had ever had. Not only was the vet, himself, kind, but so was the entire staff. Every one of them came into the room and introduced themselves to me. The vet told me step by step what he was giving the cats, as well as informing me of some virus that i was unaware of that the cats can get whether they are inside cats or not, its some mutation of a previous virus, but anyway they got vaccinated for it while they were there. I also appreciated that when it came time for the shots, the vet told me that his assistant would take over from there and I didnt have to hold them down when they got their shots. It made me feel so much better not having to be the one to hold them when they got pricked. They just went above and beyond to make the visit as pleasant as possible and i will be forever greatful. We have definitly found ourselves a new vet for life I think. Anyway, they both got 4 shots, 2 of them last for 3 years, and 2 of them are a yearly thing. Sophie got her bottom shaved a little so she wouldnt have anymore "hangers" (as I call them) after she goes to the bathroom, and Alex got prescribed a topical anithistamine to put on his one nipple that he wont leave alone, and already its done wonders. They were a little groggy for a day or so, but they are back to their old selves now lol! Its funny, when I look back, that they have always been rambunctious little critters. I love how they havnt lost that! Here are some clips to show you exactly what i mean! They are definitly happy cats!
Ill try later to uploaf the latest video of the kitty antics with the laser! It was just taking too long!
Mom is doing well! The weight is still coming off and she continues to waste away!! Im soo proud of her! She finally at that point where she can feel more confident. Have to buy new clothes because she is swimming in hers now! I love that im here to see it first hand and experience it with her! I, too, have been losing weight! New clothes have had to been purchased and i must say its nice to see a new size on my clothes! Lets just hope i can keep it up!!
Lets see, what else! Oh, as for my past nanny job, well I knew it couldnt just end so smoothly! She never really did give up trying to get me back. At one point she actually told me that if she were rich she would tell me to screw BCBS and come live with her permanently............! Ummmm, no thanks! Words escape me for that! Another time, she asked me how my new job was going and if i felt like a grown up now?! EXCUSE ME!! Im 26 years old ive been a grown up for a while, how dare you! Words escape me for that as well. I have watched her kids once since i quit that "full time" position. I didnt mind because i wanted to see the kids again and hopefully leave on a good note with Maddy since i wasnt allowed to say goodbye to her. However, this woman still let her kids just call me randomly if they wanted to talk to me. What the hell?! Either let me see maddy and say goodbye or make a clean break. The poor kids! Anyway, she was supposed to be home around 9, however she called me when her event was over and told me that her friends were going to the bar and wanted her to come but she had to check with her babysitter first. I told her that I hadnt eaten at all that day and would really like to go get something to eat. She said that was fine and that she would just stop by the bar and say hi then make her way home. Long story short, she got lost coming back from the bar and she got home around 12-1 in the morning. All i can say is somethings never change and i shouldnt have expected any different.
My friend Tara seems to be doing well! I havnt been able to talk to her much since I started work! She came down at the beginning of the month and it was a great weekend! I didnt think i would have the energy to do much but i found it somewhere and it was soo much fun! It was kind of rainy/foggy but it didnt put a damper on anything! We went to Red Robin on Friday. Unfortunatly the food wasnt that specatcular. Tara ordered this shrimp platter, which she expected to be huge because of the description it had and fully expected to be taking a doggy bag home. But when they brought it out it was in a small basket (much like my Clucks & Fries) and her cole slaw was in a small condiment cup! We were also pretty sure her tartar sauce was rancid-- it stunk to high heaven lol! Then we drove around some with the music cranked up and just had some fun! Saturday we went shopping and a bunch of different places and then had some dinner, drank some wine, and played chicken foot till the wee hours in the morning lol!! Its always great being able to spend time with her! I look forward to her next visit, which will be the weekend Harry Potter comes out! Wonder what we'll do then lol!! I visited her in S-Ville in March and we went to Granbury to this place where you can decorate your own pottery and stuff! We both decided to do mosaics and made a picture frame and the first letter of our names! I think they both turned out awesome! It was a good trip as well!! Nice to take a road trip and get out of Abilene for a little while!! Anyway, work has picked up for her too so shes been swamped as well and busy busy busy! Things seem to be picking up for both of us!
Well I think I might have finally covered all the basis!! I got a body wave in my hair so now its quick and easy to style for those 6:50 am wake up calls! Im offically ready for summer i think! So I will go ahead and close this blog! Dont know when ill write again but whenever it is im sure it wont be a whole lot more exciting then this one was! Enjoy your Memorial Day.... I know I will!!
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