Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just checkin in!

So I can already tell you that this blog will not be very long. The past week has been the busiest one since I can remember. And of course there will always be a part of me that will whine and complain that I'm tired (I'm always tired lol), but the cash flow is worth it. Bills Bills BILLS right! Finally the stimulus checks came in today! And since I had already gone to the IRS website and used their little calculator to figure out how much I was getting, I was not surprised to see less then I had hoped. But at least I got any at all right?!

FKO started back up for the summer this week. Mind you this is the first summer I have worked for FKO! Last year at this time I was still a sort of floater so my presence wasn't required. Well I was in for a shock! I knew I had 9 kids enrolled in my class but not the slightest bit of mental preparation could prepare me for the perfect storm that was FKO on Thursday! 7 of my kids showed up and Shannon, the women who teaches the 4 &5 year olds had 7-8 ( I honestly cant remember.. I'm sitting here at this very moment trying to remember the names of all the kids I had.) Anyway, the only reason why it was a whirlwind for me is because I am usually used to 6 kids.......AT THE MOST!! So yea, it was definitely an experience!

I took Sophie to the vet on Thursday for her spaying/declawing! I know she knew something was up the night before because of the cats where just crazy. Plus Sophie couldn't eat after 8 so that didn't help things! Thursday morning was heart wrenching! As I left her on the counter at the vet, I looked back and shes looking at me, head cocked, and giving me a look like HEY, WHERE ARE YOU GOING? It was.....awful! But I was at the vet's office Friday morning before 10 (which the instructions said I could pick her up anytime AFTER 10) and I got her the hell out of there. She, nor Alex, will EVER EVER EVER go back to that vet-- too many bad memories for me as well as mom and our current kitties, the staff is 50/50 on whether you will catch them in a good mood-- and the vets are below par for me.... there is such a thing as BED SIDE MANNER for God's sake. Anyway, i really would like to just forget about that place... so I will work on that whole heartedly! Anyway, Sophie is recovering nicely-- the scar on her tummy looks painful but she seems to be back to her old self. One thing that has changed is she is very very clingy to me. I get a looked of deep sadness when I have to leave and sleeps on my bed or under the sheet attached to my foot. I can hold her forever it seems and she will sleep in my arms! I never want to have to leave her like that again! Oh, a funny thing though-- i found out that Sophie's skin is SPOTTED!! Like a dalmation! Pink skin with black dots! Its crazy! I LOVE IT!!

So to leave off I'm going to post a video I took of Sophie and her new found love for TV! It really was too cute for me not to share! As for me, I'm sure there will be many more weeks like this to come. Lets hope I can cope! Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

Well sunshine your much braver than I.....I would shoot myself before I worked with that many kids. Glad it's only one day a week right? I always said GOD only gave me patience for 2 and then he tested it all the time. LOL Here is our dream that these unbearable summer months pass just as fast as the previous ones have. Gotta go Alex is trying to eat my comforter.

T said...

That video is tooo cute! haha I can't wait to meet those little "guys"! :)

Summer will be over with in no time.. Hang' in there! :)